It was a stormy night. The meteorological department had issued a warning that everyone should stay at their home because this storm was very powerful and lightning was at its peak. The windows clattered whenever the clouds thundered. Amidst such a weather, the officers in the Nayabnagri Police Station were forced to spend the night there. People included an Inspector, a Head Constable, a male constable and a female constable. By happenstance, the new ACP was also there. The female constable was the only woman there. People called her Truth because she was honest. The male constable was called Flatterer because he always licked his seniors' boots for promotion. The Head Constable was called Greedy because he always needed bribe to bring justice. The Inspector was also called Blind as he could never see the mistake of the criminal. The ACP was a newcomer and hence he had no name. Who knows maybe today he would get one! Everyone was sitting bored in the cold. Truth spoke, "I think we should play a game." Everyone looked at her. "The game is UnBottle Your Secret.I will rotate the bottle and to whoever it will point, that person has to speak his deepest secret. Of course, whatever secret is spoken, it will remain in this station.", said Truth. Everyone agreed. The game began by rotating the bottle and it pointed towards the Blind. He spoke, " Once I witnessed a murder and arrested the criminal." The atmosphere remained silent. The bottle rotated again. Now it pointed towards the Greedy. He spoke, "I once donated my salary to an orphanage." Everyone kept looking at him. The bottle rotated once again. Now it pointed towards the Flatterer. He spoke, "I once insulted my senior for their improper behaviour." Silence prevailed. The bottle rotated and now it pointed towards the ACP. ACP was hesitant but looking at others, he stammered, "I loved someone but she is with someone else now." No reaction obtained from others. The bottle rotated and now it pointed towards the Truth. She grimly spoke, "I lied. It is not a police station. I am not alive." The ACP started feeling uncomfortable and looked at those four people who had revealed their deepest secrets. "Many years ago, people were swayed over by the Flatterer with whose help Greed killed Truth and the Blind didn't act against them because he couldn't see.", the Truth spoke in a cold voice. Suddenly the atmosphere became gloomy and things started flying in the air. As if the storm had entered the police station. The ACP stood up and started running away towards the exit but he couldn't find one. He kept running around the station and finally out of fatigue, he fell down and fainted. Next morning, some passerby saw the ACP lying on the road and woke him up. He was still afraid and asked them about the station. "There used to exist a station named Law. But when the Blind, the Greed and the Flatterer came inside it, the Truth was brutally killed and thrown on the road, just like you were lying on the road. Since then, the station Law doesn't exist.", said the passerby and went away. The ACP was still trying to understand which role he was playing inside the station.