Life is Mosaic (28.3.23)
I know I am writing after a veryyyy long period of time. At times I did feel the need to write but couldn't urge myself. Lacked in implementation you see.
But today, after feeling fine after many days, I am writing a new journal.
Well, talking of past will require a lot of time and energy so let's keep it for later, it's not like I am going to forget it anyways.
Currently, i watched a horror gameplay which was more based on the horrors of relationships. The name of game is "The Coffin of Andy and LeyLey". Pretty interesting.
And guess what, it gave me an urge to make another game! Based on psychological and relationship aspects of horror.
Because ghosty horror is cliche.
Real horror is when you know the one sleeping beside you or the one talking to you right now is slowly poisoning you and you are unable to do anything, just sitting and staring at them with fear.
Anyways, I thought of making one more game.
By the way, our college had hosted its 84th ed of Technex, the annual Techno-Management fest and I had taken part in Game Jam and AstroQuiz (I also tried taking part in Robotics but eh, it fizzled out).
Not boasting but I ranked first both in Game Jam and AstroQuiz. It was a joint first tank with another guy in Game Jam (his game was also pretty good).
My game was a visual novel, named "The Window." A game about making the right choices and avoiding to succumb to the seven sins and consequently cross the gateway (Gateway was the theme of our Game Jam).
The financial aspect of winning was kinda lowkey disappointing because we have to share the first prize money (15K, so 7.5K each). But I guess, greed is to be placed at the backseat. We are happier with the fact we came first in the event.
Family was proud of course. Friends were happy too.
Continuing, last weekend, we have our fresher's competition, namely Aagman'22, where various events related to clubs of Cultural Council took place. I took part in the Lit Club events and came up as a runner up in some of them. I wish I could have posted something for the creative writing portion too but I guess, it was meant to be like this way.
No issues!
So yeah, currently, I will sleep in few minutes. Two weeks of Semester 2 has already passed and I want to complete the syllabus for midsem because you know, the exam comes around suddenly. Tralala!
Mom and Dad will also come to visit me after the exams. So, cool.
Will write soon. Byee goodnight!