Happy New Year!!! Yay!!!

A new year once again! And we welcome it with all smiles and love. I am looking forward to a better self of mine and a good time ahead. I hope I perform well in all tests of life. And I hope I love myself ๐Ÿ’–. Yes. My first resolution of 2023 is to maintain a diary journal regularly. And by regularly, i mean it in the literal sense. No matter how tired i feel, i will make an entry every day. I will be sincere and dedicated in whatever I do. Honesty, intelligence and wit will be my essence. Kindness, empathy and hardwork will be my nature. I will be myself and never get afraid of anything if i know i have never been wrong. No unnecessary fear, thoughts or struggle allowed. Only logical, unbiased and rational thoughts with a little sprinkle of emotions. And with all my concentration, i will work on things which i really wish to do โค๏ธ and which works for me. No constraints tight enough to leave marks on me. And at the same time, grounded and rooted๐Ÿ˜. No judgement or prejudices, only facts and the real truth. Neutral, strong and resilient ๐Ÿ˜Š. I wish myself a very happy 2023.